Matilda Martel


Matilda Martel

Matilda Martel

Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2020

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    United States

  • Born

    July 23

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Matilda loves many things---her husband, dachshunds, cats, the two terrible Chihuahuas who live with her, Paris, New York, a few select friends and family, Nutella, books, lots and lots of books, and writing sweet, steamy romance for nerdy girls-- because that's who I am.

If you like your romances steamy but sweet. Sexy, but on the shorter side. With smart and sassy heroines who fall for soulful Alphas- then you might like my books.

I write A LOT of OMYW, cause that's just my bag. But no matter what kind of story it is, my ladies are always adored and my endings are always HEA.

Matilda Martel Books

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